Tuesday 29 January 2019

32. Ledger Entry, 33. Posting, 34. Voucher, 35. Receipt, 36. Folio, 37. Folioing or Paging

32. Ledger Entry:

     An entry in the ledger is called a 'ledger entry'.

33. Posting:

     Posting or ledger posting is the process of entering in the ledger, the information already recorded in the journal or in any of the subsidiary books. In other words, it is the transfer of an entry from the journal or from a subsidiary book to the ledger. It is made periodically, i.e., weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending upon the convenience of the business concern.

34. Voucher:

     Voucher refers to any written document in support of a financial transaction. It is a proof that a particular transaction has taken place for the value stated therein (i.e., in the voucher).

35. Receipt:

     A receipt is a written acknowledgement of the receipt of money or the acceptance of the delivery of goods given by the receiver of money or goods to the giver of money or goods.

36. Folio:
     Folio means the page of a journal or a ledger.

37. Folioing or Paging:

     Entering the folio (i.e., the page) number of the journal in the ledger, and the folio (i.e., the page) number of the ledger in the journal is called 'folioing'.

     Folioing serves as cross reference between the journal and the ledger, and helps in tracing the entries from the journal to the ledger or from the ledger to the journal. Further, it helps the clerk engaged in posting to see that no entry in the journal remains unposted.

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